Commercial services

Commercial innovative technologies Sustainability strategies have been a significant driver of the rollout of intelligent technology. Providing more efficient controls over energy usage can substantially reduce energy consumption.

Smart systems allow lighting, heating, air conditioning, and ventilation to be monitored and adjusted according to a building’s usage and occupation. Smart systems can minimize energy wastage by turning off heating and lighting when an office is unoccupied. Smart building facades can also be used to control the heat and light entering the building in response to changing weather conditions.

Occupancy-based thermal sensors can help commercial sectors reduce their energy costs. The thermal sensors can be programmed to turn on when there's occupancy and off when there is no one in the room. The use of thermal technology ensures that you only use power when needed, reducing your costs, and contributing to the sustainability of your facility.

Lighting - Climate control
Switches - Plugs
Curtains - Door lock
Security system - Entertainment